What a weekend! Already!
Frank and Judea -- and Brutus the Dog -- arrived Thursday night from Dallas to attend a wedding in Hot Springs today. (Brutus did not attend.)
Since it was their first return to Arkadelphia since moving to Texas 2 or 3 months ago, Maw & Paw came over Friday from Hot Springs Village to visit and take them out to lunch. (Brutus did not attend.) They went home mid-afternoon.
Friday night Jerusalem, Nathan, Wylie, and Miles arrived from North Little Rock to spend the night and see the Texans. (Their dog Chloe did not make the trip.) Tanya cooked up some spectacular burgers for dinner in 2 or 3 shifts.
Today Tanya fixed breakfast for herself and Miles. I fixed breakfast for myself and Wylie. Then Tanya fixed breakfast for everyone else in 2 shifts. In the afternoon Jemimah called from Germany to visit. She missed Frank and Judea, who were gone to the wedding, but got the rest of us, who were listening to the radio broadcast of the Razorback game against Ole Miss. (We won 44-8. Woo, pig!) Nathan cooked up the spectacular burgers today for a late lunch. This evening he and his family departed for a farewell dinner for his sister Jenny, who is moving to Macon GA tomorrow.
I've walked, fed, and watered Brutus numerous times. Frank and Judea and Brutus go home tomorrow. But they gladdened us with the happy news that they are moving back to Arkadelphia in January and going back to school.
What a weekend!
1 comment:
It was lovely and perfect and just what the doctor ordered - I feel so much better than I did when I arrived! Love you mucho!
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