Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CAMP MEME 2010: Day 2

Day 2 of Camp Meme was a little more relaxed than Day 1. We had a lot to recover from!

The boys waited patiently in their room until Obi (that's me!) blew reveille on my "hand trumpet," then we marched out on the front porch, put the USA flag in its holder and said the Pledge of Allegiance. (This is our routine every morning.)

Then we had cereal for breakfast. After a little Free Time to play, the boys & Meme started working on the Puppet Theatre for the closing day's performance. Meanwhile, I prepared a sandwich lunch for us. After lunch, nap time for Obi & Meme while the boys played in their room and watched a Disney movie.

After naptime, it was off to the OBU library for a few minutes, than dinner in the OBU caf -- hamburger, mac & cheese, beef stew, pizza, salads, cake, pudding & ice cream. Yum yum!

Then we enjoyed an hour of swimming at the motel where Judea works. After that, home for baths & showers, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," and bedtime.

Another good day.

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